WIPs are multiplying like rabbits   :(

It took me forever to finish another cardi; and as I ran out of wool I was obliged to crochet the drop-shoulder sleeves out of a much darker blue. In trying to provide an (unspoken) excuse, I used the same darker blue to edge around the whole thing. End result: wearing it, I look as if I have peripheral artery disease of the arms. Sighh ..

I was stuck doing this bloody thing for so long that when I finally finished it I instantly began on something entirely different to excise the V-stitch from my mind: having found a very appealing afghan square that a crocheting Pom I admire, the inexhaustible Dora Does, had come up with, I started in on that.

I call it ‘my bed of nails’. Imagine a whole afghan of these squares !   [grin]

But then, I was completely sidetracked by coming across a faaabulous scarf/shawl created by the talented Icelander, Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar. She based her design on her idea of a tartan; but it’s open to endless variation. I have begun this, too – 297-stitch chain !

I’m expecting – nay, hoping for, rather – a delivery of Noro Silk Garden on Tuesday morning; this I was informed by Australia Post would be delivered last Thursday ! Pfuh ! The porpoise of the Noro is a knit-along on the site of Michele Lee Bernstein, of whose work, too, I am an admirer.

From Michele’s site I’m going to learn how to knit entrelac without using several different balls of yarn at once ! I already know how to make tunisian crochet entrelac, and have a photo of a swatch I did to show my eldest sister of an array of blues:

by which she was unimpressed, thank all the gods. I mean, all those ends ..

Unlike Hannah, who thrives on WIPs by the dozen, they only make me feel stressed. I have decided that although I’m now well in to the other two, it’s Michele’s entrelac I shall actually make my next project. WHEN I lay hands on my wool.   [grump grump ..]

We use the term W(ork)I(n)P(rogress) largely to mean something sitting somewhere not being worked on, do we not ? Or is it meant to describe everything that’s actually been started but not finished, including the one we’re working on ..?

14 thoughts on “WIPs are multiplying like rabbits   :(

  1. In patchwork these rapidly became UFOs – Unfinished Objects but maybe knitters have them too. I don’t do much (any) patchwork these days but I have my share of UFOs. I think I’ll be donating them to the local patchwork shop that has working books making quilts etc for charities.

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  2. I do love a good variety on my WIP list 😀
    I use WIPs to mean the projects I’m actually working on/know where they are. If they’ve been on the WIP list with no progress for too long, then I label them UFOs. But I know everyone has their own way of categorising things!

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Go on - you can say it. :)