A rave about a blogger

There is a Pom up there in the country where Spring is happening who has a blog called “The Twisted Yarn”.

She is without peer in her field – mostly because her field is not small. Phil is a truly expert knitter, hence my choice of category; but she has a wonderful garden in which she does wonderful things; she has 9-y-o twins (“the twinnage”) upon whom she dotes in a practical manner; she has an almost tame robin (“Robyn”) who consumes meal-worms with an appetite more than merely voracious and is fast becoming tame; she takes photos to die for; and more than any of that she has a sense of humour that is immensely appealing and, to me, satisfying because I recognize it.   🙂

She is compiling a book. This is not one iota surprising because her knitting prowess is amazing; but it IS amazing when considering how much she manages to fit into her life.

I hope that anyone reading this will take the time to check out Phil(ippa)’s blog: it is so very worth it that you will thank me.


I told you she’s an expert !


4 thoughts on “A rave about a blogger

    • Kindness ? – are you mad ? This is total selfishness, using your blog as a topic for mine. [grin]
      I should dearly like to generate the same response as does TTY, Phil. But in the meantime, I intend instead to derive continued enjoyment from it.


Go on - you can say it. :)