That’s bloody IT !   :\

For a moment, I had to cudgel the ancient brain in an effort to recall how many times I’ve either made or almost made this square. It was all because I do not have the correct weight of yarn; so it was all my own fault. (Yesyes: mea culpa !)

But this yarn – bought only the gods know how long ago from Ice Yarns – has been the sole one to allow me to create a centre “daisy” that looks not so much like an old man’s Y-fronts as, possibly, one of those sink-strainers you use also as a plug .. Well, that’s my thought, anyway ..

It’s going to have to do, at least for the time being. I shall post it on my CAL2021 page (remember Pages as opposed to Posts ?) as Square No. 1; and only when I have entirely forgotten it might I make another, better version – possibly even using worsted weight yarn !! And this is why I haven’t blocked it. No, that’s a lie: it’s one of the reasons why .. and the other is that I have no blocking materials. All that stuff is so hideously expensive for an old fart living on the pension and in a high-rise apartment she shouldn’t be in in terms of rent.

But don’t you think the burgundy and gold go well together ? – such a pity that in order to end up with a 30.5cm square with a centre that one’s eyes can slide over without causing one to cry “Eewww ! – what’s THAT in the middle ?!” while using too light a yarn (which also meant NOT going no.s 10 and 9 in hooks) my gauge had to be hopeless.

I am very sorry, Rachel, if you happen to come across this post: I meant to do better by you, truly !

15 thoughts on “That’s bloody IT !   :\

    • Recent back pain over with, thank-you, Maggie ! 🙂 Was seen struggling about with two sticks during, however: weren’t my idea of fun !
      OK, blocking .. Brief as I can be, it requires flat surface comprised of bits that fit together onto which is laid the .. erhmm .. blockee once it’s been wetted and gently squoze and then you VERY gently stretch it to shape and apply special pins to keep it there. A blocking set comprises the bits (number varies) and the pins; and is ridiculously expensive. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • Glad to hear the old bod is back to functional!

        My mom used to knit and crochet like a fiend and she taught me everything I know. Blocking wasn’t part of the equation, which probably explains more than one sweater disaster!

        Liked by 1 person

        • It had never been part of MY knitting or crochet until recently (and I could well be the same age as your mum, who knows ?), Maggie. But when I knitted a cardi for my friend S it forced its way in because the cardi was, by request, completely plain – first time ever and I shall never do that again ..

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Blocking doesn’t *have* to be expensive! And for a blanket, I wouldn’t bother pinning. You could soak, squeeze out excess water, wrap in a towel and walk on it, wrap and walk on it again. Then lay it out flat on towels to dry, just pat it out to shape. No pinning. That’s how I block my blanket.

    If you have access to a washing machine, you could spin out excess water, carefully (don’t want it to stretch out weirdly).

    And it’s summer where you are! You could even lay it out on towels on your balcony! That would be fairly quick to dry! Just beware of birds…yes, a bird pooped on my lovely knitwear, once upon a time. Once in a lifetime happening, I hope.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oops ! – caught out by the blocking police ! 😀
      Dear Michele; I didn’t mean to enrage you by being silly about blocking. Every word you write it absolutely spot on (of course !) .. but you seem to be talking about the completed blanket; whereas I was carrying on about each square as it’s finished. So, you blocking fiend – am I allowed, then, to leave ’em all unblocked and do the job after all 24 have been made and joined together ?


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